1. You get a fair process
A mediator is impartial and does not take sides. All sides are heard.
2. Save time
Court dockets are clogged and lawsuits can take years to wind their way through the system. In mediation, you decide when to start and when to end.
3. Save money
Meditation costs a fraction of litigation. You avoid each party paying court costs, attorneys’ fees, and expert fees.
4. Avoid litigation
Fighting it out in the courtroom can makes an emotionally difficult situation worse. Mediation, on the other hand, creates an opportunity to work together to resolve difficult problems. Mediation opens doors that litigation closes.
5. Stay in control
In mediation, the decision-making power stay with you at all times. You control the process and the outcome. In court, you lose control. A judge makes decisions for you.
6. Keep private matters private
Mediation is confidential. Nothing you say in mediation can be used against you in court. You are free to discuss areas of disagreement frankly and openly. In court, however, your private matters become become public records.
7. Foster cooperation
Mediation is a voluntary process. It works because the parties come to the table to engage in mutual problem-solving. Resolution occurs when all parties agree. It’s the opposite of litgation- an adversarial process.
8. Have flexibility
Mediation is a creative process. You are free to think outside the box and design a solution that works for your unique circumstances.
9. Improve communication
Using mediation can help preserve, even improve, communication. Mediation is forward-looking and helps to reconnect parties in ongoing relationships.
10. Reach agreement
Studies show that people participating in mediation are more likely than litigants to reach an agreement and stick to it.
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